Thursday, September 20, 2007


Everybody has addictions in life, vices that your brain thinks you can't survive without. For some people it's coffee. Some alcohol. And some are addicted to cocaine. My addiction though comes prepackaged in small jar. It's easy to buy (no deals on dark street corners), but one taste of this creamy, hazelnutty, chocolaty spread and you'll be addicted much worse than the java nut, the alky, or the crackhead. You guessed it, I'm talking about

If you've never heard of it or tried it before, I suggest you stay as far away from this "drug" as possible. My addiction has already started to affect those close to me; as I continued to eat jar upon jar of the nutty treat on pretzel sticks, bagels, wheat bread, my roommate took notice and one day she snuck a taste. A couple days later I opened the pantry and found 3 jars sitting there, seeming to magically appear of out of nowhere. "Oh my luck!" I exclaimed, as I reached for the pretzel sticks and prepared to dive into a jar and finish it off by licking my fingers clean. But alas, the first jar I opened was empty. Second; empty. Third; just a little bit of nectar left to scrape off the bottom.

That's when I realized it: my addiction has spread to those around me. I won't lie, for a while it was good. The two of us shared our love of this delightful treat and our house was never without a jar ready to be devoured. Then one morning as I walked into the kitchen I noticed three full jars sitting on the counter with a note from my roomate.

"Hide this from me! I need an intervention. Please hide these somewhere I will never find them."

That's when I realized that my addiction had gone too far. It was time to ween myself off of my long-time companion. So far it's been 3 days and the urge to dive towards the hiding place every time I walk into the kitchen is still there. But I persist, because I'm strong!

Beware the Nutella.

1 comment:

Sara said...

nutella is not the worst addition.. especially if you are a cyclist..